"Do little things with great love."
- Mother Teresa
Running has enabled me to experience people as can only be done on foot; no distracting screen, no speeding vehicle or bicycle and no headphones. In that experience I have witnessed hunger and thirst, not only for food and water but for connection and attention. This is what inspired the RUN2GIVE Movement. Give of yourself to make the world a better place.
"You make a living defined by what you get. You define your Life by what you give."
- Jason Romero
There are many ways to RUN2GIVE. Here are some ideas for you to start with during your next run:
FOOD DISTRIBUTION: prepare food (burritos, PBJs, etc), take them in your running pack, and give to hungry people you encounter.
SMILE DISTRIBUTION: make eye contact with every person you encounter and give them an authentic, warm smile.
TIME DISTRIBUTION: spend time with a person - plan on giving 30 minutes of your run to walk or sit with a person who just needs to know they matter. Remember, people who have great financial wealth can also be some of the loneliest people. And, sometimes a person without shelter just needs your time and to be validated as a person in order to know they matter.
GREETING DISTRIBUTION: greet every person you encounter with eye contact and an intentional "good morning (afternoon or evening, as appropriate)." Be intentional and connect, even if just for a moment.
100% of donations are used to buy food, drink and supplies for the homeless. This is a 100% volunteer effort so your donation goes 100% to homeless people.
Doing little things with great Love.
E-mail us at irun2give@gmail.com
Jason Romero Business & Inspirational Speaking
www.jasonromero.net - jasonromerospeaks@gmail.com
Success is judged by the journey.